Tuesday, October 18, 2011


     According to (Johnson, 2010),  Many schools have banned the use of laptops, netbooks, cell phones, PDAs, iPod/MP3 players, and portable game players. Educators are discovering that students are more interested in online resources, such as Facebook, game sites, chat, and YouTube, than classroom lectures and textbook chapters about the Crimean War, square roots, or past participles.(Johnson, 2010)  There are various non-academic needs of students that often go unmet, If we invest in them, the social distractions and disadvantages are reduced and the academic needs have a greater opportunity to flourish. (Antonio, 2009).
     There is not a silver-bullet solution to students tuning out succesfull.  When we were high school students long before there were iPads and Wi- Fi,  we were distracted too. Those attentiion grabbers were simply things like being distracted by classmates both male and female, doodling, as well as looking at the view out of a classroom window. Just as good teachers have never relied on a single method, approach, or tool, today’s good teachers will never use a single technology in a single way. 

Antonio, Chad (2009), Middle School and Administrator Perceptions of the Whole Child Professional
         Development Program Based on the PA School-Wide Positive Behavior Support (Doctoral
         disseration), Available from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses databases, Saint Josephs   
         University (Publicaiton No. Ed 513144)

Johnson, D. (2010). Taming the Chaos. Learning & Leading with Technology v38(n3), 20-23.