There is not a silver-bullet solution to students tuning out succesfull. When we were high school students long before there were iPads and Wi- Fi, we were distracted too. Those attentiion grabbers were simply things like being distracted by classmates both male and female, doodling, as well as looking at the view out of a classroom window. Just as good teachers have never relied on a single method, approach, or tool, today’s good teachers will never use a single technology in a single way.
Antonio, Chad (2009), Middle School and Administrator Perceptions of the Whole Child Professional
Development Program Based on the PA School-Wide Positive Behavior Support (Doctoral
disseration), Available from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses databases, Saint Josephs
University (Publicaiton No. Ed 513144)
Johnson, D. (2010). Taming the Chaos. Learning & Leading with Technology v38(n3), 20-23.